En hilsen til en ven
Når det er trist og gråt Og alting koldt og vådt Solen man går og savner Mangler varmen der gavner Vil jeg gerne hos dig væreContinue reading "En hilsen til en ven"
Når det er trist og gråt Og alting koldt og vådt Solen man går og savner Mangler varmen der gavner Vil jeg gerne hos dig væreContinue reading "En hilsen til en ven"
I wanted to remind a friend of mine where to find support:
Let me be like a mountain With a nice comforting fountain Supporting all you make Whenever it break I will still support An give you comfortContinue reading "Mountain of support"
As so many others I fancy coffee. Coffee is a wonderful drink, making me create a poem and a YouTube Playlist for it.
Cup of coffee mine Odour nice and fine Fantastic is the taste Feeling the need in haste Elegant taste and smell Ensuring I am well
The playlist can be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-oRdBd_uPF3KTWe6gta524GllprMsSf2