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Dragged along | Rohde Fischer's armchair Skip to content

Dragged along

A rough English translation of Efterslæb for my English speaking friends

Like a car we're going to travel
We just wan to go, we have to go far and have to get out
It is new and interesting it's going to be fun
Halfway everything goes wrong
Like minced meat the engine is tired and turns off
Everything goes wrong
Everything goes down
We're standing still
The highway is sad og cold
It is lonely

A big group of people is walking by us
Nothing matters any more, the engine doesn't work anyway
We're just walking with them, being dragged along
Following the flock, to where we don't know
We're just being dragged along

Travelling out there
They're talking but we don't know what they say
The chatter is going on
We're walking along the highways, we're going for a stop
Shell, open 24/7, that's a nice stop, just for a hotdog
The trip continues, far and wide

The sun is baking
The skies are raining
It snows

Where we'll end we do not know
The trip is going far, but people are happy
There's always new stuff happening
A man broke both legs
He needs carrying
As newcomers it's our duty to carry him
He's being dragged along, dragged by the ones being dragged along

On a snowy day we're just walking down hill
Sledding in turns
The kids are going crazy with games, they'll end up being written
The everlasting landscape is walking past us
There's trees in the snow
They're undressed and exposed
They're naked
Perhaps someone should protect the childrens eyes

The highway is cold and empty
A few days ago we saw three houeses
Today it's empty
There's just meadow and fieldm, the sun is baking
That's the rythm we're taking
Travelling far and wide
From where to where?
We don't know
But people are nice, new ones join us
Some leave us, the highway is a tough way after all

A trucker joins us, with beard nice and handsome
He mumbles a lot and noone understands him
All agrees though that he's nice and kind
In the discoussions, where noone understands each other, he always wins
It doesn't matter, for none of us speak the same language
None of us understand each other
Perhaps everyone is right anyway
The ride continues with warm and nice discoussoions

Once we see the giraffes, pointing towards the clouds
They are nice and kind and waves with their necks
Another day it's the penguins that shows the joy of sledding
The journey soon has to end, we need to come back from our vacation
While wondering how to get home a car drives by
Behind it there's a rope and the rope leads to another car
After a little while we start to smile
It's our car that is now being dragged along


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