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Teddy's rose | Rohde Fischer's armchair Skip to content

Teddy's rose

A small message for those of you who at valentine's who are reminded that you haven't got a loved one or if you feel that others have it better.
Shots fired, shots fired
From the arsenal that never expired
Hits like a bullet bomb or rocket
Hitting people in the wrong pocket
Piercing hearts like an arrow
Giving happiness like a sparrow
In Teddy's heart planting a seed
Sprouts and grows with the speed of a weed
Teddy is happy and hopeful
Teddy expects to be gleeful
Inside the seed grows and grows
A beautiful rose from inside shows
As it gets bigger so does Teddy's hopes

Being all grown and mature
The rose rises safe and sure
From Teddy's stomach to his mouth
Opening a blossoming smile facing south
So pretty that the rose can smile
Teddy's hoping she will grow another mile

Oh the rose grows and grows
A little later her thorns shows
Around his neck the stalk gets a handle
With her thorns she Teddy starts to strangle
Teddy tries to get released from the grip
But from Teddy's limbs the blood starts to drip
It feels like an eternal struggle
With the flower he just wanted to snuggle

While struggling with all his might
This seems like an endless fight
A group of mice sees his needs
To his assistance they heeds
Biting off the flower from the root
Freeing him from the brute
Licking his wounds and showing care
Teddy's friends will always save from the snare

Ps. if you like this, please checkout the new page on Rohde's Armchair on Facebook


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