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A bed time story | Rohde Fischer's armchair Skip to content

A bed time story

The guy woke up, finding himself in some kind of hallway. There was a light at the end. He decided to stand up and walk towards the light, ignoring the extreme ringing in his ears, he couldn't hear shit. 

Hallway may be a bit wrong, perhaps a tunnel would be more correct. As he got closer to the light, it started flickering a bit and the ringing in his ears was starting to go away. He kept walking until it was obvious that it was a huge, huge screen he was walking towards. Through the ringing he started to hear music.

It was at this very moment that he realized that he was watching and listening to a duet between Britney Spears and Hansi Hinterseer, what horrible noise, and the view was even... ugh. Slowly it dawned upon him, he must be dead and this is definitely hell. Terrified he stared at the screen.

- Fuck my life!
- Nah, the guy who shot you did that one already.


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