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Rohde Fischer's armchair Skip to content

Blackbeak in the mist

Two mugs with Blackbeak/Sortnaeb and Gother

My good Nokturcal provided me with nice designs for my two coffee mugs at my office. So in the nice mist yesterday evening, I decided to write a little poem to share with the nice mugs.

Mist on in the air and on the ground
On the sky Blackbeard can be found
I only see your wings siluette
In the world of the foggy duvet
Continue reading "Blackbeak in the mist"


Blackbeak looking at another bird

En af mine gode veninder, Nokturcal har tegnet figuren ved navn Kaptajn Sortnæb, som jeg efterfølgende har skrevet en hilsen til:

Kaptajn Sortnæb stille og frygtet
Ser alt der glimter ifølge rygtet
Suser afsted, hvorhen ingen ved
Efter nye ting han stirrer ned
Gennem vinden Sortnæb glider
Finde det kaptajnen vil vinde
Han dykker ned og målet bider
Objektet der så dejligt skinne
Continue reading "Sortnæb"

A tribute to coffee

As so many others I fancy coffee. Coffee is a wonderful drink, making me create a poem and a YouTube Playlist for it.

Cup of coffee mine
Odour nice and fine
Fantastic is the taste
Feeling the need in haste
Elegant taste and smell
Ensuring I am well

The playlist can be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-oRdBd_uPF3KTWe6gta524GllprMsSf2